Ribbon Seat’s simple form plays with our collective memory of wood to create intriguing and playful interactions. The concept draws inspiration from our assumptions of wood’s strength. Supporting the seat’s hero - a single thin veneer - has been the single grounding element consistent throughout the project. After many iterations, the seat’s elegant frame emerged, contrasting the thin nature of the veneer to create a surreal experience which defies our expectations of timber.
The brief for this project was to use memory to inform the design of a wooden object within a domestic space. After exploring many personal memories I decided to use collective memory as inspiration for the project. This enables all users to have the same special experience of connecting with a memory rather than have that experience be exclusive to one individual. Having a design be relatable is important to my process.
I focused on our collective memory of what wood is, what it should be and how it behaves. How can I subvert our expectations of wood's materiality to create intrigue, shock, curiosity and delight?
Timber veneer then became the grounding element of the design, as a vehicle for challenging our assumptions about timber's inherent strength.